Hello Nia, thank you for your comment, I’d like to believe that we are a little more evolved to go beyond clothes, breasts etc. Just like animals, we recognise other people’s biological gender in an instant, regardless of what they are wearing or their hairstyle. Also, I highly encourage you to write a controversial article with a strong position, it’s incredible how interesting people are, and how wonderfully diverse. I’ve learnt so much by reading all of these amazing opinions. It’s a huge eye-opener. But, I must warn you that many people have tried and failed, Medium rules are very strict around controversial content. You can state your opinion, but you must do it very eloquently and make sure that even when you’re having a rant, you are not directly discriminating against a certain group of people (or a specific individual). My rant is about refusing to be bullied, to stand up against those that abuse in order to get ‘respect’. But, I also point out that if a person of the same group asks me to use a certain pronoun, in a civil and polite manner, I’d definitely consider it, and most likely oblige, unless it’s something rediculous like ‘fershumi/fershumis’ that I know I will not remember.