I appreciate your opinion Elizabeth, but you don’t get respect just because you want it. And everybody gets seen for who they are (most of the time), a woman looks like a woman, a man looks like a man, a transgender looks like a transgender — it’s usually really obvious. When it’s not, I do ask (like I mentioned in the article, but maybe you haven’t read all the way to the end). And, what triggered me to write it was the fact that I did get abused, several times in fact. Then, when I looked deeper into the issue, it turns out that people are losing their jobs over this. Also, there’s talk about making this a legal issue — meaning, you might do time if you mis-pronoun someone. So, as much as I agree with you that there are really nice people out there (one of them is my transgender friend), there are plenty who are out for blood — and they are getting it.