If you truly believe what you say, then you better think of a better strategy to attack me. Basing your every argument on twisting my words (or putting words in my mouth) is probably not the smartest approach. All you do is lose credibility. I have friends within the LGBTQ community, and believe it or not, we can actually catch up for a chat and a beer while agreeing to disagree on some things. Why do you insist on bringing so much hate into this relationship? I don't have to agree with you, you don't have to agree with me. We are both allowed to set some boundaries around our values. I think it's wrong to abuse another person, you feel justified doing so. It's ok, this is your right, although, technically I could have you arrested since I've done nothing wrong to you, but, I was raised to be tolerant and understanding. You had different parents. It's not your fault.