I'm sorry if I wasn't clear in my response. I guess these days you have to REALLY watch your words because people are sooooo sensitive and take offence to something that wasn't intended to be offensive - but sure, I will watch my PRECISION OF LANGUAGE and say.
I meant that you're lucky because your child wasn't adversely affected by the vaccine.
And if you think I am somehow responsible for the outbreak or that your child has a heart disease, I'm sorry as well.
Is this what you want??? Is this how you want to live your life??? Biting the head off innocent people by protending you don't know what they mean... If you have any intelligence, you would know I was NOT referring to your misfortune, but trying to point out the positive in your life - but I guess that's not allowed anymore... which is pretty sad. We're only allowed to focus on the bad - not allowed to speak about the good.