Once again, this is your opinion Alan. You have no idea what's driving the other person. They may feel that their religion is threatened, they might feel that they are being forced to lie, when they are asked by a biological man to address them as she/her. When I ask people not to call me Ma'm (because it really does make me feel like crap, like an old, ugly hag) I don't hold it against them when they repeat it 5 seconds later, even if it's NOT an accident. They don't have to comply, they LIKE calling older woman Ma'm and the don't want to stop. Imagine if I was a transgender, I'd be 'insulted' twice, for being called Ma'm and for being referred to as she. But all that is garbage! Let's stop getting offended. Let's start using people's prefered pronouns, let's just be kind and understanding - you don't know where the other person is at (at that particular moment) They could have just been fired and their head is completely somewhere else. We often hurt each other and we don't even notice, it's not intentional. But if in any of those situations, you can find at least one party that's willing to show some grace, that, is beautiful.