Wow! You're an amazing woman. All that work! And here I am so proud of my tiny little garden with a small crop of potatoes (ready next month - I hope) and some radishes, dill, and parsley - oh, I also have a little basil and rosemary plant :)
I have done a little experiment and applied some tricks out of the permaculture book, meaning that I don't till my soil. Well, half/half (hence the experiment). I had a little patch where all the cucumber branches have already dried and yellowed after harvest, I didn't touch it, just dug up holes for the potatoes, filled the bottom of the hole with compost first, then planted the potato. I did the same on the other side where the soil was tilled. Two months later, the potatoes on the non-tilled soil are 3 times as tall and have thick branches (they look like shrubs) and the ones on the tilled soil are skinny and small. I can't wait to see when I dig them up in August (I'm in Adelaide, Australia BTW, it's a mild winter here)